]> Frank Brehm's Git Trees - salt/states.git/summary
descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
ownerFrank Brehm
last changeWed, 21 Apr 2021 12:13:09 +0000 (14:13 +0200)
2021-04-21 Frank BrehmAdding helga to hennig-berlin.org master
2021-04-21 Frank BrehmChanging mail records to helga
2021-04-19 Frank BrehmChaning CNAMEs for minecraft to helga
2021-04-15 Frank BrehmChanging TTLs and MX records
2021-04-15 Frank BrehmChanging TTLs
2021-04-15 Frank BrehmChanging DKIM key of frankepedia.eu
2021-04-13 Frank BrehmChanging mail records in eu-zones.
2021-04-07 Frank BrehmAdding records to brehm-berlin.de
2021-04-06 Frank BrehmNew DNS records
2021-04-06 Frank BrehmNew DNS Records for helga
2021-04-02 Frank Brehmupdating bind/files/bind.keys
2021-04-02 Frank BrehmNew CNAMEs
2019-01-01 Frank BrehmAdding CNAMEs for minecraft
2018-10-08 Frank BrehmAdding managing of /etc/bind/bind.keys
2018-06-26 Frank BrehmAdding cloud and nextcloud to different zones
2018-04-09 Frank BrehmNeue IP Adresse Vera
3 years ago master